Saturday, April 2

Apogee rolls out Duet 2 pro audio interface for Macs

Recently drop $500 on an Apogee Duet audio interface for your Mac after pondering one for all these years? Then we’re afraid we’ve got a bit of bad news for you, as the company has now finally rolled out a successor to the highly-desirable device. Apparently redesigned from the ground up, the new Duet 2 expectedly ditches FireWire in favor of USB, and packs some “completely redesigned” mic preamps and converters, along with two inputs and four outputs, a pair of configurable touch pads, and even an all new OLED display that replaces the basic LED meters on the original. Of course, the one thing that stays the same is the professional-level price — look for this one to set you back $595 when it’s available next month.

Source : engadget


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