Sunday, April 3

Delorme Earthmate GPS PN-60W With SPOT Communicator

GPS devices are now a dime a dozen in what was once a limited market. There are now GPS devices designed not only to feature the benefits of GPS but also to add in other newer ones to make them more useful and interesting. Such is the case for the new Delorme Earthmate GPS PN-60W with SPOT Communicator.
The new Delorme Earthmate GPS PN-60W is a new handheld GPS that provides a full range of capabilities which include a 3 axis electronic compass, an elevation display pinpointing a user’s location as well as sensitive barometric and elevation readings that may help gauge weather changes. This handheld GPS Navigator can also provide turn by turn directions, travel distance and time data as well as travel speed. But what makes the Delorme Earthmate PN-60W unique is that it is equipped with the SPOT Communicator.
The SPOT Communicator that comes with the unit will enable users to have the means to communicate even in the absence of a cellular phone service in a certain area. The satellite communicator can allow users to type and send messages and may allow others to track a user’s progress using social network sites like Twitter and Facebook. It can also be used to send emergency SOS along with a GPS position embedded when circumstances require it. The Delorme Earthmate GPS PN-60W With SPOT Communicator is now available at Delorme for US$549.

Image Source: Delorme


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