Wednesday, April 6

This Logitech Wireless Router is Not Wind-Powered

At first glance, this Logitech LAN-WH450N/GR wireless router looks like a mini wind mill. Thankfully, no. You do not have to put it outside and gather wind to keep your WiFi connection up and running. What appears to be blades on a wind turbine is actually a triple antenna design (or what they love to call “tri-tenna), enabling speeds of up to 450Mbps when using compatible devices. That is, if your country is not considering  bandwidth capping. It also comes with a gigabit ethernet if you prefer a more wired connectivity.
The Logitech LAN-WH450N/GR wireless router is expected to be available on mid-April for 19,000 yen (about US$230).
Source: OhGizmo!


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