Tuesday, April 5

Low Profile Window Fan

Although summer may still be a long way off, it pays to prepare early for the coming change of seasons. Of course, the heat may become quite unpredictable this year as the weather has been acting in somewhat unexpected ways. You might want to come prepared by having this low profile window fan at home during the coming summer.
The Low Profile Window Fan may help provide the necessary cool air circulation working well inside your home. It can help provide good airflow into the home interiors. Its dual motors are capable of producing 608 feet per second air streams for up to 5 feet away. Its two fans can either work in tandem or independently. One fan may be used to let air inside the home while the other can be used to push the air out, providing good air circulation and keeping the home cool. The Low Profile Window Fan is available at Hammacher Schlemmer for $60.
Image Source: Hammacher Schlemmer


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